Nous contacter

Nous appeler:

Black Forest Voodoo
Markus Schumacher
+49 (0)174 7347382

Responsable légal (GDPR et plus):
Johannes Reinig
Am Lungenberg 37
55122 Mainz

Ici vous pourriez trouver un site de contact, si vous aviez été sur une autre page d'Absinto... Alors essayez une autre page et revenez. Notre protection contre les messages non-désirables vous remercie beaucoup.


We protect your personal data

  • Your IP address will be anonymised after one month. Until then we keep it in order to detect server attac patterns and hacking attempts.
  • All contact sheet entries are transfered via SSL encoding and deleated after onde month
  • we set a cookie, which is not able to identify you – it is the same for all.
    We do that because spam bots mostly come around without a cookie and therefore don't send messages to us.
  • This website is almost free from foreign sources – neather google nore facebook get to know from us that you are here. Except: when you open a youtube video on this website then google knows that you are here
  • In case you are sending more information e. g. about your browser&ndash, we will not analyze them. In case you want to sent a query for a gig, please use the contact sheet and do not use the browser-user-agent
  • You do have the right to get to know from us, which of your data we store and that data are corrected, deleated upon your request and usage is limited &ndash.
    Just send an E-Mail to us ore use the contact sheet
  • If we breach the german data protection law, you may file a complaint with the regulating authority. In charge is the comissioner for data protection of Rheinland-Palatine (Landesdatenschutzbeauftragte Rheinland-Pfalz), contact data: (not part of the Absinto-web presence).
  • We integrate youtube-videos on our website. This is done by the following youtube plugins: LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA. So, if you click any video icon, your data will go to youtube, which anables youtube to set up clicking profiles. Anyway: a logout before does only simulate profiling wouldn't be possible anymore. Youtube knows instantly - regardless who is doing so. We do think that this is ok though, because we want to provide you these videos (Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit f DSGVO). Here you find the the privacy statement from google, inkl. youtube Datenschutzerklärung von YouTube.